July 22, 2003: the secret lives of carriage drivers

man, my boss is getting me down. he needs to shut his trap. i totally told him off, though. by which i mean "i told him that it was going to be taken care of immediately." it sucks how the less consequences there will be for telling someone off, the less motive you have for saying anything. or maybe it's good, because then you don't get told off as often.

last night i met two guys who drive coaches in old city. you ride around on these coaches and they tell you about philadelphia history. depending on who you are, they give you different tours; apparenlty if it's a couple, they'll tell you all the freaky shit about ben franklin. (i head on power 99 the following freestyle rap, live on the air: "come on down to philly, i'll be your ben franklin / we'll have some drinks, and later on your booty i'll be spanklin." something like that, in any case.) anyway, one guy was telling us how he has these regulars, where he's in new york and she's in virginia, they're both married, but they meet halfway and have liasons in his carriage as he's driving them around. apparently at one point the man said to the driver, "hey, man, want to join in?" he turned them down. or so he says! who knew that something so touristy would be so superfreaky?

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